Planning for Corn and Soybean Seed Production Success

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Understanding Requirements for Growing Seed Containing Corteva Agriscience Licensed Technologies

Preparing for next year’s seed crop largely focuses on products, quantities, logistics and mechanics. And that makes sense. Yet, one other area merits similar care and planning. Part of sales success is a production of the seed crop and includes a pre-reason review of production agreements to ensure proper use of seed, quality assurance, stewardship, and more. We’re talking about a pre-season review of the commitments your organization takes on when you produce or contract for production of seed that contains licensed technologies.

The information that follows provides a general overview on the topic. For answers to specific production questions, refer to the Model Production Agreements found on the Power to Promote website.

Seed production requirements overview 

Here are some of the starting points:

Your licensing agreements with Corteva Agriscience allow you to produce the seed, or to contract production to a third party. 

Regardless of whether you produce your own seed or contract production to a third party, the “rules of the road” for how the seed must be produced and handled are similar.

  • Corteva provides Model Production Agreements (between licensees and contract producers) for use with third-party contract producers. 
  • All third-party producers are required to execute such agreements with Corteva licensees.

Guidelines differ slightly depending on which crop is being produced – corn or soybean.

General dos and don’ts

Production agreements contain a complete, detailed list of requirements. In general, however, the following conditions apply:

The seed producer (licensee or contract producer):

  • Will not plant or produce a licensed corn or soybean product outside the U.S
  • Must have a signed, valid Technology Use Agreement (TUA) on file with the licensor (Corteva)
  • Agrees not to retain, sell or otherwise use rejected licensed product, except for sale as commodity grain in full compliance with the TUA
  • Will complete, maintain and make available full and complete records on all licensed production, including all transfers of the product.
    • Refer to the production agreement specification on required record contents and retention time periods
    • Producer grants licensor the right to audit producer’s books and records. Again, refer to the production agreements for record retention time periods and other specifications
  • Grants licensor full access to seed production fields, seed and grain storage facilities and planting and harvesting equipment to examine producer’s crop and crop residue during the year of production and in the following growing season
  • Will cooperate fully in efforts to protect intellectual property rights as spelled out in the production agreement.

The licensee shall have control over the disposition of all licensed products produced (whether self- or contract-produced).

All licensed production not rejected shall be owned by and physically transferred to the licensee.


  • The Model Soybean Production Agreement contains specific guidelines pertaining to parent seed.

Seed production for soybeans with herbicide tolerance 

Corteva is committed to the purity and proper stewardship of its products and expects the same from its licensees. In keeping with this commitment, the seed producer (licensee or contract producer) shall:

Comply with all soybean production quality assurance criteria required by Corteva, including applying required herbicides of the brands and at the rates and timing as specifically directed. You can refer to Quality Assurance documents listed on Power to Promote for assistance.

Implement, adhere to and participate in any stewardship requirements, practices or programs required by Corteva.

  • The Model Soybean Production Agreement goes into detail on production practices and parameters.


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