Protect 2024 Corn Yield With a Fast-acting Fungicide

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Tasseling corn

If your customers dealt with tar spot in recent years, you know just how quickly a disease can knock down yield. With heavy tar spot infections proven to reduce yield by as much as 60 bushels per acre, it’s important to be thinking through disease management plans for the upcoming season’s corn crop.1

Will Tubbs, market development specialist, Corteva Agriscience, recommends weekly scouting to check the presence and progression of disease in fields. If weekly scouting isn’t practical, customers will want to prioritize getting in fields when the crop canopy begins to close and during key reproductive periods. In corn, this means scouting during the V10 to V12 growth stages and around tasseling time.

“If we start seeing lesions on the leaves or any other disease symptoms, we need to pull the trigger on a fungicide application very quickly,” Tubbs says. “We need a fungicide that starts working immediately, and that’s what Aproach Prima offers us.”

Watch this video to see how Aproach® Prima fungicide works fast to protect corn yield.

Aproach® Prima Fungicide Also Benefits Plant Health

In addition to disease control, Aproach Prima fungicide promotes healthy corn plants. “We see benefits when we make fungicide applications not only in heavy disease years but we also see them in lower pressure disease years,” Tubbs says.

These plant health benefits include:

  • Reduced plant stress during unfavorable weather conditions
  • Improved standability and less stalk lodging
  • Better crop quality and improved test weights for greater yield potential

For improved plant health at tassel time, Tubbs recommends a tank mix of Aproach Prima fungicide and Sosdia® Stress abiotic stress mitigator. Sosdia Stress contains proline — a natural amino acid — and potassium to protect plant cells, reduce water loss and improve stomata function — helping crops thrive even under challenging conditions.

“Tassel time is a key point in the season when we know we can have a major impact on yield. Applying Aproach Prima and Sosdia Stress at tassel gives us greater opportunity to maximize yield during the growing season,” Tubbs says.

Reach out to your local Corteva Agriscience representative to learn more about products and practices that can be used to improve crop health.

1Strategic Farming. 2023. Corn tar spot: Distribution, development and management.

Aproach® Prima and Sosdia® Stress abiotic stress mitigator are not registered for sale or use in all states. Sosdia Stress is not available for sale in the states of CA, FL and OR. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. 


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