
Yield Potential Comes From the Seed

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Soybean seeds

Why is seed selection so important?

“Yield potential comes from the seed,” says Steve Snyder, Enlist® field specialist, Corteva Agriscience. “Every decision a grower makes after seed selection is to maintain the yield potential that the seed allows for.”

Before deciding on which seed to plant next year, Snyder says, growers should consider several factors, including:

  • Supplier reputation
  • Field history
  • Previous pest, weed and disease issues
  • Yield potential of the ground itself

Another question that you will likely find yourself asking is “Which herbicides and defensive traits are most important for my operation?”

It’s important to understand that the trait package you select will dictate which herbicide options are available and unavailable the following year.

Enlist® traits are available in elite genetics for soybeans, cotton and corn to offer you the greatest yield potential. Learn more in this short video about each Enlist trait in the Enlist weed control system and the choices you have to control tough weeds on fields with Enlist crops.

“Every field is different, and every year is different,” Snyder explains. “Choosing a weed control system with more flexibility will allow growers to tailor tank-mix and residual herbicide partners based on field history, pest prevalence and weather conditions.”