
Plan a Weed Control Program for 2021

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We’re deep into winter at the moment, but spring will be here before you know it. Are your customers’ weed control plans in place for the 2021 season? Now is a great time to review those plans to help your customers stay ahead of difficult weeds this season.

It’s always a good idea to plan out a program approach that includes burndown, preemergence and timely postemergence applications. Using multiple modes of action and herbicideswith residual activity can help manage herbicide resistance and keep fields clean to optimize yield potential.

When it comes to controlling weeds in cornfields, Corteva Agriscience offers multiple solutions to meet your customers’ individual needs. Here’s a quick look at some of those:

Resicore® herbicide — Gives farmers power over weeds deep into the growing season with long residual activity and versatile application timing. Resicore provides control of more than 75 high-anxiety weeds, including ragweed, marestail and waterhemp. It contains active ingredients from three modes of action (groups 4, 15 and 27).

SureStart® II herbicide — Is proven to control weeds when it matters most: During the developmental stages of corn. SureStart II protects against more than 60 broadleaf weeds and grasses, including Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. It contains active ingredients from three modes of action (groups 2, 4 and 15).

Realm® Q herbicide — Provides excellent postemergence control of glyphosate-resistant weeds. Realm Q comes with 20 acres of weed control packed in one bottle with a built-in crop safener. It contains active ingredients from two modes of action (groups 2 and 27).

Keystone® NXT herbicide — Can be applied from preplant up to 11-inch-tall corn. Keystone NXT only requires ¼ inch of rain to activate and controls broadleaf and grass weeds. It contains active ingredients from two modes of action (groups 5 and 15).

Cinch® ATZ herbicide — Is a flexible solution that can be applied from early preplant to early postemergence in water, liquid or dry fertilizer. Cinch ATZ provides broad-spectrum control of weeds, including kochia, ragweed and waterhemp. It contains active ingredients from two modes of action (groups 5 and 15).

 FulTime® NXT herbicide — Controls tough grasses and broadleaf weeds in no-till, reduced tillage and heavy

residue. FulTime NXT is a time-released solution that also has burndown activity. It contains active ingredients from two modes of action (groups 5 and 15).

Surpass® NXT herbicide — Provides early season control of small-seeded broadleaf and grass weeds. Surpass NXT can be applied from preplant to early postemergence. It contains a Group 15 active ingredient .         

For more information about solutions that can work for your farmers, review Corteva's corn herbicides portfolio and talk with your Corteva territory manager. Help your customers stay ahead of weeds this spring.

Cinch® ATZ, FulTime® NXT and Keystone® NXT are Restricted Use Pesticides. Cinch ATZ, FulTime NXT, Realm® Q, Resicore®, SureStart® II and Surpass® NXT are not registered for sale or use in all states. Keystone NXT is not available for sale, distribution or use in all states. FulTime NXT, Keystone NXT, Resicore, SureStart II and Surpass NXT are not available for sale, distribution or use in Nassau and Suffolk counties in the state of New York. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. 


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