
Trivence® Herbicide to the Rescue in a Tough Year

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Since the 1960s, John Verell’s family has been farming in the Jackson, Tennessee, area. His grandfather started the operation back then, and today, Verell, his father and his grandfather continue to farm together each season.

In all the years he’s been a farmer, Verell says, 2020 was one of the most extreme weather-wise. He says February and March were extremely wet, which set back his burndown applications and soybean planting.

Luckily, Verell used Trivence® herbicide as a preemergence on all his soybean fields. In this video, Verell explains how the multiple modes of action and residual control in Trivence helped keep his beans clean, despite a difficult start.

After watching the video, learn more about Trivence to see how the solution can fit into your customers’ weed control programs.


Trivence® is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. 


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