How Good Is Your Emergence Insurance?

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While there are several factors that contribute to a successful soybean harvest, early-season planting is one increasingly popular way to boost yield potential. Planting early extends the reproductive growth period, allowing for more production of pods and seeds. The only way to take advantage of this reproductive period is by managing the time at which the seed is planted.

Planting soybeans early certainly has benefits, but it also introduces some early-season challenges that can negatively impact seed emergence, stand and ultimately yield: 

  • Lower soil temperatures, which can compromise germination and limit root and shoot growth.
  • Poor early season weather, giving rise to diseases such as Phytophthora and Pythium.
  • An increased risk of insect damage.

Any of these issues, or a combination of them, could result in a costly yield reduction or even a complete replant situation. With all these challenges, it may sound like there are more downsides than advantages. Fortunately, there are several steps farmers can take to alleviate these problems. Choosing the right varieties with high germination rates, strong emergence and disease tolerance is important. And next, it’s critical to have a robust seed treatment package to protect the seed and young seedlings for good stand establishment. Seed treatments are often considered “emergence insurance” because when a challenge arises, the seed treatment is there to help the seedlings overcome it. And just like insurance, the coverage or protection you get from seed treatments varies. When planting early, your exposure increases, and it makes sense to protect your genetic investment with a premium seed treatment.

3 key seed treatment benefits 

  1. Improved seed germination and plant stand: Seed treatments protect against diseases and pests that can reduce germination and stand.

  2. Reduced plant stress: During the critical early growth period, seed treatments help protect the seedings against environmental stresses, diseases and insects that can come with spring weather.

  3. Enhanced yield: The combination of improved germination and stand, reduced plant stress and protection from insects and diseases often creates a marked improvement in crop yield.

Corteva Agriscience offers licensees two premium seed treatment blends, C-2023FI and C-3023FI, designed for early planting and emergence protection from early season insects and diseases. Both blends include two modes of action against Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Fusarium and one mode of action against Phomopsis. Additionally, they include Phalanx insecticide seed treatment with proven protection against a range of pests including aphids, bean leaf beetles, grape colaspis, white grubs, wireworms, thrips and seed corn maggots. C-3023FI throws another punch into the fight with the inclusion of Lumiante® fungicide seed treatment, providing an additional mode of action against Phytophthora and Pythium, including metalaxy-resistant strains of Pythium. Both seed treatments are backed by Lumisena® fungicide seed treatment, with best-in class protection against Phytophthora.

Best-in-class protection against phytophthora

Disease control and performance with Lumisena in Phytophthora inoculated soil cups.

Beyond the tangible emergence insurance, premium seed treatments can also enhance the seed purchasing experience. There’s something reassuring about opening a bag or box and seeing that rich, fully saturated color covering the seed. It’s a feeling that screams you’ve made the right choice. And when that stand comes up even and out strong, you can be sure your customers will be sharing stories of their success over coffee and looking forward to a season that was won well before it even started. 


™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Luminate®, Lumisena® and Phalanx may not be registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. © 2024 Corteva.