Graslan® L

  • Herbicide

Reclaim ground lost to leafy spurge

Leafy spurge is one tough weed. The good news is, with Graslan® L herbicide, it’s possible to control leafy spurge while restoring habitat and forage production. The improved control and convenience of Graslan L make it the best option for broadcast applications.

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Take on large, dense leafy spurge infestations

Success against leafy spurge requires a strategic approach. Broadcast applications of Graslan® L herbicide will thin leafy spurge stands each year, increasing grass production and improving forage utilization. When spot-treating small patches or where new infestations pop up, go with the rate flexibility of Tordon® 22K herbicide. The goal with spot treatments is to eliminate the patch as quickly as possible.

High-load, low-odor formulation

Graslan L is a convenient premix of the active ingredient in Tordon 22K plus 2,4-D choline. Research shows that including 2,4-D in treatments with Tordon 22K improves leafy spurge control in-season and long-term.

Graslan L is a low-odor, high-load formulation, allowing for a lower use rate and less packaging. The formulation also is less volatile and carries a reduced signal word, compared with the old standard, Grazon® P+D herbicide

Nip patches in the bud

Success against leafy spurge requires a strategic approach. Broadcast applications of Graslan L will thin leafy spurge stands each year, increasing grass production and improving forage utilization. When spot-treating small patches or where new infestations pop up, go with the rate flexibility of Tordon 22K. The goal with spot treatments is to eliminate the patch as quickly as possible.

Broadcast recommendation:

  • Apply 1.2 to 2.5 quarts of Graslan L herbicide per acre
  • Two to three annual treatments are necessary for control; be sure to treat at least two consecutive years.
  • Monitor the treated area and reapply when the level of control falls below 80 percent.

Spot/patch recommendation:

  • Apply 1 to 2 quarts of Tordon 22K per acre
  • Use the higher rate in the rate range for older patches or inaccessible areas.
  • New patches often establish on the perimeter of the main infestation. They must be eliminated to contain the spread. Treat 15 feet beyond infested area to capture the full extent of the infestation in the appl

Controlled weeds

This product delivers effective weed control against the following:

  • Black Locust
  • Field bindweed
  • Geyer larkspur
  • Honey Locust
  • Lambert Crazyweed
  • Larkspur
  • Leafy Spurge
  • Plains Larkspur
  • Rush skeletonweed
  • Silky Crazyweed
  • Sumac
  • Toadflax

Refer to the Product Label for complete product efficacy information.

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State registrations

  • Registered
  • Unregistered

Technical Specifications

  • Active Ingredient

    Picloram; 2,4-D

  • Application Rate

    For broadcast applications on leafy spurge, apply 1.2 to 2.5 pints of Graslan® L herbicide per acre.

  • Application Timing

    Spring or early summer: Treat leafy spurge at true flower stage (after yellow bract forms) and plants are developing.

    Fall: Apply after leafy spurge stems have developed new regrowth.

    Two to three annual treatments are necessary for control. Monitor the treated area and reapply when level of control falls below 80 percent.

  • Application Method

    Aerial broadcast. Ground broadcast.

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Label precautions apply to forage treated with Chaparral, GrazonNext HL or Milestone and to manure from animals that have consumed treated forage within the last three days. Consult the label for full details.

Graslan and Tordon 22K are Restricted Use Pesticides. Chaparral, GrazonNext HL and Milestone are not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.