
5 Ways to Protect Customer Seed Investments

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Corn seed in hopper

Your customers have undoubtably made significant seed decisions and investments for the upcoming growing season. That’s why it’s important for them to use a weed control program capable of protecting their seed investment — and their bottom line.   

Doug Jones, market development specialist, Corteva Agriscience, says clear communication with customers on what’s planted — and where it’s planted — will be key in providing effective herbicide recommendations. “Once that’s established, you can recommend a program approach that best fits your customers’ acres,” Jones says.

Here are five weed control tips to protect customers’ corn and soybean seed investments this year:

  1. Don’t wait to spray small weeds. “Smaller weeds are easier to control,” Jones says. “Larger weeds have multiple growing points, making them more likely to require additional herbicide applications.” Watch this video to see how spraying an 8-inch weed is more like a 33-inch weed to a herbicide.
  2. Rotate modes of action. In general, corn provides the most opportunity to control resistant weeds when compared with soybeans. However, there are still only around a dozen herbicide groups that can be used on corn. Whether applying to corn or soybeans, be sure to work with your customers to implement a weed control program that rotates multiple modes of action — and not just multiple active ingredients.
  3. Layer residual herbicides. “The germination window of more challenging weeds like waterhemp can be long,” Jones says. “By using multiple modes of action and layering residuals, the weeds that are present for the postemergence treatment will be fewer and smaller, making them easier to control.”
  4. Follow the label. The label is the law, but it also serves as a guide to maximize herbicide efficacy. “Soil type, crop stage and countless other factors should influence decisions on which herbicides to apply and when,” Jones explains. “Follow the label and use full rates to ensure your customer’s weed control investment pays off at the end of the season.
  5. Consider cultural practices. Practices such as tillage, crop rotation, growing cover crops and adjusting row spacing are great ways to reduce weed pressure and improve yield. 

Reach out to your local Corteva Agriscience representative with any questions regarding herbicide options for your customers’ corn and soybean fields.