Weeds 101: Goosegrass

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goosegrass roots

What is Goosegrass?

Goosegrass (Eleusine indica) is a troublesome grassy weed commonly found in athletic fields; golf greens, tees and fairways; and in other turfgrasses that are mowed short. It competes very well with warm- and cool-season turf during summer months and is most competitive in thin open turf and turf subject to intense traffic or use.

What Does Goosegrass Look Like?

Goosegrass has a prostrate growth habit and is often white to silver in the center with a wagon-wheel-like appearance. Unlike crabgrass, it does not root at the nodes but grows well in compacted soils. It is a prolific seeder; in most cases, having three to seven fingerlike racemes on a stem. A mature plant may grow 20 stems and contain as many as 50,000 seeds. Once goosegrass becomes established, annual reinfestations are likely to occur.

How to Stop Goosegrass

Applying a preemergence herbicide sequentially in the spring, with the first application prior to soil temperatures reaching a consistent 55 degrees is recommended. This timing will provide season-long control of both crabgrass and goosegrass. For control of goosegrass, use Dimension® specialty herbicide at 0.5 lb. a.i./A just prior to goosegrass germination and soil temperatures at 55 to 60 degrees.

State restrictions on the sale and use of Dimension specialty herbicide products apply. Consult the label before purchase or use for full details. Always read and follow label directions.


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